Michael Platz ~ Haywood Street Respite

Michael went to AB Tech College and received a degree in nursing, working in hospice for many years.  In 2015, he came to work at Haywood Street Congregation as Director of Programming for Haywood Street Respite, an 8 bed home for people living on the street that have had an illness or injury and need a couple weeks off the street to recover.  Michael shared that life is not always kind to some of those coming through Respite’s doors, but he tries to set an example of what life can be “ through the love and support we offer each other.”

Enjoy this one-hour Living Well where Michael shares what its like for those who are homeless in Asheville and what they are doing to adapt to threat of COVID-19, including an inspiring story of how they safely took in 9 people to live in Respite for at least two months, and likely more.

Living Well with Michael Platz on AshevilleFM, April 27, 2020