Peter Krull, Socially & Environmentally Responsible Investing


Peter is President and Founder of Krull & Company, Asheville’s only investment management firm dedicated to socially and environmentally responsible investing. The firm helps individuals, trusts, non-profits and small company retirement plans invest with their values. The firm is a member of US SIF: The Forum for Sustainable Investing, a signatory of the UN Principles for Responsible Investing, and a 1 Percent for the Planet contributor.

Peter moved the firm to Asheville in 2011 from Georgia and has already made a significant contribution to the community. Currently, he is Chair of the WNC Alliance, the region’s premiere environmental non-profit group. He has also been a supporter of TEDx Asheville and NC Stage.

Peter has been a speaker all across the East Coast, including the WNC Green Expo and hosts local informational seminars.  He has been a regular columnist for Valley Business FRONT in Virginia for several years and has written for Mountain Xpress in Asheville as well.

Peter lives in East Asheville with his wife, Dr. Melissa Booth and their two cats.

Enjoy this one-hour podcast with Peter who shares how we can now invest our money in companies who share our values for a socially and environmentally responsible world!

Living Well with Peter Krull on AshevilleFM, September 8, 2014