Kat is a psychologist and a coach engaged deeply in the evolution of human consciousness. She is the co-founder of Forest Farmacy that offers medicine for body & soul on a 30 acre forest farm in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Kat uses eco-therapy, coaching, depth psychology, story telling and wilderness rites of passage to help people embrace their shadow and dismantle internalized systems of oppression – including racism, classism, sexism. Kat is an environmental and social justice activist focused on a community’s rights to make decisions about where they live and to establish the rights of nature (see her TedX talk); she co-founded Community Roots to support this work in Asheville, North Carolina. Fascinated by the intersection of psyche and culture, Kat is working to co-create a more beautiful world and be part of our collective liberation.
Enjoy this Living Well with Kat who shares about the soulful work of embracing our interconnectedness with this world and learning to live in harmony with our ecology.
Living Well with Kat Houghton on AshevilleFM, March 15, 2021
*Interview with Kat begins in the 2nd hour of show