Emily Ford ~ Energizing Your Intentions 2016 Workshop

photoOne of Emily Ford’s favorite life missions and passions is discovering the spiritual laws of abundance, and spreading them to others so they may have the lives they desire. She is dedicated to seeking and teaching practical and highly effective tools of manifesting.  She teaches how to use thought and simple, effective energy work to create what you want in your life. She loves sharing these easy, effective, and empowering methods for creating the life and circumstances you desire for yourself. Emily believes it is time for all of us to be able to have the things we want in our lives!

Emily’s upcoming series; Energize Your Intention 2016 is a step-by-step  journey to manifesting your dreams. Learn energy work to manifest your goals, passions, and intentions for 2016. Learn to magnetize what you want and to draw it to you. Listen to your higher self and receive guidance from the truest part of you. Create things that truly serve you, your higher path, humanity, and the Earth. This is a class to tune into your highest path and to create the things you need in your life to serve you on that high path. Attract clients for your business, new work, a new home, transportation, clothing, spiritual teachers, ideas, working relationships; whatever you need to serve you on your highest path, you can manifest using energy work and intention. It is exciting, fun, and empowering to have the tools to create what you want!  Take this journey with Emily on Sunday nights at Veda Studios this January and February.

Enjoy this one~hour episode of Living Well as Emily shares the profound effects of how energizing intentions with essence assist people in creating the life they want!

Living Well with Emily Ford on AshevilleFM , December 7, 2015