Chris has lived in Asheville for 20 years and almost half his life in North Carolina. He’s current between jobs and is looking to grow his experience in new directions. An avid hiker and backpacker, he loves to get out on the mountain-to-sea trail or into any of the great wilderness areas we have at our disposal. Years ago Chris created his bamboo skeleton costume and with the naming of Bam Booey he created an alter ego whose reputation grew through Vermont Street Halloween and the Street Creature Puppet Collective’s activities.
All are invited to march in or attend the Mardi Gras parade, which will be held in Asheville’s South Slope neighborhood on February 23, 2020. This is the 13th year of bringing an official Mardi Gras parade to the streets of Asheville with the theme of “Superstition!.
Enjoy this one-hour Living Well as Chris shares about the upcoming Mardi Gras parade and the rich history and culture associated with it!
Living Well with Chris Eizember on AshevilleFM, February 17, 2020