Brian Linus Ntagunga ~ Exchange Student, Tanzania

Brian Linus Ngatunga first came to Asheville, NC in  the spring of 2017 as part of LEAF International. Along with others from Tanzania, Rwanda, and Haiti, Brian spent the week before the LEAF festival visiting schools and community centers to share about his culture, music, and life.  Brian also performed at the LEAF festival, making many friends and special memories during his time at LEAF that included his time with Dr. Bob’s  family.

The Hanna family visited Rwanda and Tanzania in the summer of 2018 and had the good fortunes to spend the day with Brian in Arusha where Brian was attending his final year of secondary school.  Brian was a gracious host and a helpful interpreter of Swahili, the traditional language of his nation.  Brian gave us a tour of his school, Ilboru Secondary School, where Brian was the founder and leader of the Inspiration Team as well as many academic, social, and community clubs.  Brian regularly writes articles for his blog, Motivational Corner, that focus on helping people be their best selves.

Brian remained in contact with the Hanna family and wanted to explore the possibility coming to the United States to continue his education. Brian discovered Foreign Links Around The Globe (FLAG), a licensed exchange program that provided him with the necessary visa and supervision to live with Hanna family for the school year.  Brian is a junior at Asheville High School where he has challenging academic classes and sings in the A capello choir. Brian is also part of LEAF Schools and Streets where he spends time with Asheville Middle School students teaching about his culture, music, and dance.

Enjoy this one-hour LEAF where Brian talks about his country of Tanzania, adjusting to life in the USA, living with the Hanna family, and his passion for making the world a better place and helping people aspire to be their best selves.

Living Well with Brian Linus Ngatunga on AshevilleFM, December 30, 2019