John Leonard ~ Licensed Physical Therapist, Orthopedic Clinical Specialist, & Licensed Massage Therapist


John Leonard has more than 30 years of specialization in orthopedics and manual therapy have resulted in his accomplished work utilizing a unique and integrated approach to assessment and treatment of neuro-musculo-skeletal dysfunction. John is certified in frequency-specific microcurrent therapy and physical therapy dry-needling to relieve trigger points in muscles, and is one of a select few North Carolina therapists able to employ these highly effective techniques.

Having owned a physical therapy private practice in Florida for over 15 years, John had the opportunity to provide services to the US Olympic Dive Team, Women’s International Tennis Association, and three local university athletic programs. Having an extensive background in manual therapeutic techniques, John’s physical therapy practice has afforded patients relief of pain and restoration of function not available through more traditional therapies. John is always looking for better ways to treat his patients, and is constantly on the forefront of utilizing new treatment approaches and techniques.

Enjoy this one-hour podcast with John as we talk about how to care for our body, heal from injuries and live with heartfelt presence.

Living Well with John Leonard on AshevilleFM, July 22, 2016