Kathy Jennings ~ Continuum Movement Teacher & Ordained Interfaith Minister


After many years of living in various cities throughout the United States, Scandinavia and Europe, Kathy Jennings feels the vibrant town of Asheville welcomed her years of experience in the performing arts and the healing arts.  She learned early on in her professional career as a dancer and choreographer, the importance of self care. While teaching at the Swedish Dance College, she became an Ordained Interfaith Minister and an Authorized Continuum Movement Teacher. Continuum’s elegant sound and movement practices make an art form of dissolving constraint, welcoming an extraordinary awakening to the fullness of what it means to be alive.

I hope you enjoy this one-hour podcast of Living Well where Kathy shares how we can fully embrace our whole selves and live more grounded in our bodies.

Living Well with Kathy Jennings on Asheville FM, July 20, 2015

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